McHenry County

Mental Health Board - Regular Meeting


Mental Health Board - Main Floor Conference Room
620 Dakota St., Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Members Present:
  • Greg Alexander, 
  • Mike Baber, 
  • Christina Bruhn, 
  • Adam Carson, 
  • Lindsay Keisman, 
  • Ray Lapinas, 
  • Amy Rath, 
  • Carolyn Schofield, 
  • and Connee Meschini 

Meeting called to order at: 6:00pm by Connee Meschini.

Also in attendance: Leonetta Rizzi, Melanie Duran, Karin Frisk, Bridget Geenen, and members of the public and provider agencies

Video and audio of meeting can be found at the following link:

August 27, 2024 MHB Board Meeting

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 2:16 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

The following individuals spoke:

Bob Tanner from Greater Family Health

Abbey Nicholas from NAMI

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 11:58 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Mike Baber
    Seconder: Lindsay Keisman

    To approve the minutes as presented.

    Approved by Voice

David McArdle and Brandy Quance presented.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 12:36 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Connee Meschini spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 43:19 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Leonetta Rizzi spoke. 

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 46:05 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Greg Alexander spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 53:15 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Lindsay Keisman spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 53:37 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 54:18 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Mike Baber
    Seconder: Lindsay Keisman

    To approve the consent agenda.

    Aye (9)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (9 to 0)
  • Resolution Number:
    Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Mike Baber


    To approve 202408-60, 202408-61, and 202408-62 with amendments.

    Aye (9)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (9 to 0)

Connee Meschini and Leonetta Rizzi spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 59:38 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Lindsay Keisman
    Seconder: Ray Lapinas

    To approve the FY25 Budget Adjustments as presented in this Decision Memo and directs the Executive Director to update the FY25 budget entry in the D365 system accordingly.  

    Aye (9)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (9 to 0)

Cece Horan from Ascension spoke.

Connee Meschini, Carolyn Schofield, Chris Bruhn, and Leonetta Rizzi spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at  of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Amy Rath
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    To extend public comment.

    Approved by Voice
  • Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Amy Rath

    To allow Ascension to submit the application for the Clinical Navigator Position.

    Aye (7)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Nay (1)Ray Lapinas
    Abstain (1)Adam Carson
    Recommended (7 to 1)

Connee Meschini spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:12:05 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Amy Rath
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    To re-open the Foundant application for the Mental Wellness through Financial Hardship Counseling FY25 application and allow CCCS back into the online Foundant system for a specific time-limited period this week to upload the budget and click submit on this application.

    Aye (8)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Nay (1)Ray Lapinas
    Recommended (8 to 1)

Leonetta Rizzi, Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Chris Bruhn, and Lindsay Keisman spoke. 

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:13:40 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Connee Meschini, Carolyn Schofield, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Lindsay Keisman, and Amy Rath spoke.

Conversation includes items 8c through 8g.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:28:14 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

  • Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Lindsay Keisman

    To approve all the following items:

    Move Client Services Funds Available 

    202408-66 Thresholds Additional Funding Request

    202408-67 Service, Inc. Additional Funding Request 

    202408-68 Pioneer Center Additional Funding Request PADS

    202408-69 Pioneer Center Additional Funding Request IDD

  • Amendment:
    Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Lindsay Keisman

    To add August to the contract addendums as needed with staff discretion.

    Aye (9)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, Amy Rath, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (9 to 0)

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:28:14 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:28:24 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

Lindsay Keisman, Amy Rath, Greg Alexander and Mike Baber spoke.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website at 01:42:42 of the audio. Link provided in minutes above under 'Call to Order'.

No Executive Session


  • To adjourn the meeting at 7:51pm

No Item Selected