McHenry County

Administrative Services - Public Meeting


County Board Conference Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Joseph Gottemoller, 
  • Theresa Meshes, 
  • Pamela Althoff, 
  • Gloria Van Hof, 
  • Terri Greeno, 
  • and Eric Hendricks 
Members Absent:
  • Matt Kunkle 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 8:32 A.M.

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; Kerri Wisz, CFO; Suzanne Ziebart, Director of HR; Tom Burroughs, Director of Facilities; Tom Sullivan, Director of IT; Susan Karras; Director of Nursing; Nicole Gattuso, Director of GIS; Chalen Daigle, County Coordinator; Sandra Salgado, Sheriff's Office Business Manager; Adam Letendre, Director of Procurement and Special Services. 

  • Mover: Greeno
    Seconder: Meshes

    To allow the remote attendance of Ms. Althoff.

    Aye (4)Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, and Greeno
    Abstain (1)Althoff
    Absent (2)Kunkle, and Hendricks
    Recommended (4 to 0)
  • Mover: Meshes
    Seconder: Greeno

    Approve previous minutes from the July 2, 2024 meeting.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, and Greeno
    Absent (2)Kunkle, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)


Chair Gottemoller moved forward to item 7, for the routine consent agenda, due to the interviewee not having yet arrived. 

  • Mover: Van Hof
    Seconder: Meshes

    To approve the items of the routine consent agenda.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, and Greeno
    Absent (2)Kunkle, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)
  • Mover: Van Hof
    Seconder: Meshes

    Adopt the 2024/2025 Pay-for -Performance Guidelines and authorize the Director of Human to implement and enforce the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Pay-for-Performance Guidelines

  • Mover: Van Hof
    Seconder: Meshes

    Authorize the reclassifications of the Benefit Specialist to a Benefits and Operations Manager effective 7/1/2024, and the Administrative Specialist I to HR and Wellness Coordinator effective upon signing of this resolution

  • Mover: Van Hof
    Seconder: Meshes

    To approve Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Network Disk Storage.


Mr. Hendricks arrived at 8:35 A.M.

Pulled for discussion by Ms. Meshes

Tom Burroughs, Director of Facilities Management, joined the committee to discuss the resolution. 

Chair Gottemoller stated they could discuss items 7.3 & 7.4 together.  

Ms. Meshes inquired about how many bidders there were for the two requests for bids.  She stated one was a landscaping contract and the other was snow & ice removal services, so she wanted to know how many people responded to the bids.  

Mr. Burroughs stated there were five responses for the snow & ice removal services.  He stated there were three responses for the landscaping, but there would have been four if the incumbent had not missed the deadline. 

  • Mover: Meshes
    Seconder: Van Hof

    Approval to enter into a contract for lawn maintenance, landscape & irrigation services with Langton Group of Woodstock, IL.

    Aye (6)Althoff, Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, Greeno, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Kunkle
    Recommended (6 to 0)

Pulled for discussion by Ms. Meshes

  • Mover: Meshes
    Seconder: Van Hof

    Approval to enter into a contract for snow and ice removal services with Langton Group of Woodstock, IL.

    Aye (6)Althoff, Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, Greeno, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Kunkle
    Recommended (6 to 0)


It was the consensus of the committee to forward the budgets for GIS, IT, County Board, County Board Chairman, and County Administration to the full County Board for recommendation. 

Nicole Gattuso, Director of Geographic Information System, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Geographic Information System Department budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators. 

Tom Sullivan, Director of Information Technology, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Information Technology Department budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators. 

Peter Austin, County Administrator, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 County Board budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators. 

Peter Austin, County Administrator, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 County Board Chairman budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators. 

Peter Austin, County Administrator, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 County Administration Department budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Peter Austin, County Administrator, joined the committee for the discussion.  

Mr. Austin stated they have a relationship with the NIU Center for Governmental studies and he would like to explore that and get something cleaned up so they can have a contract ready to go for the next County Board.  



Tom Burroughs, Director of Facilities Management, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

  • Crystal Lake Public Health ARPA - they were hoping to get bids out in October, however, they will be out in September.  The architect needs more time to finalize the staging elements of the project.  He stated that would then come before the County Board in November for consideration.  
  • Coroner- they are working on having plans and specs ready for December/January bidding and then consideration for approval by the County Board in February.  
  • The Administration Parking Lot Rehabilitation - is going along well and they expect to have plans and specs available for bidding in early winter so they can have consideration and construction in the spring of 2025.
  • Administration Roof Top - the equipment is being manufactured and will be installed in the spring. 
  • Valley Hi Memory Care - is tracking well and the budget is intact and progressing as planned. 

Suzanne Ziebart, Director of Human Resources, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

  • Ms. Ziebart stated she provided a handout to the committee about the open positions, which is important as they are going through the budgets.  
  • Vacancies
    • April-23: 108 vacancies
    • July-23: 74 vacancies
    • September-23: 63 vacancies
    • January-24: 59 vacancies
    • June-24: 62 vacancies
    • August-24: 71 vacancies

Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

Communications Strategic Plan Update

County communications staff, in collaboration with the County Coordinator, is working to update the Public Information Officer (PIO) list across various organizations across the McHenry County region. This list contains the contact information of PIOs to facilitate information sharing for both emergency situations and routine messaging.

Communications Collaborations

County Administration staff has collaborated with the following departments, offices, and entities this month:

  • McHenry County Treasurer and McHenry County Clerk to promote the Property Tax Workshop;
  • MCEDC to raise awareness of the Greater Chicagoland Economic Partnership, and how it has brought Brazilian Tech Connection, a consortium of technology experts to share best practices and explore trade opportunities in McHenry County;
  • Circuit Clerk to publicly commend her employees for helping prepare 3,000 Macyn jars filled with toys for children visiting the hospital and share the culture of caring at McHenry County Government;
  • McHenry County College to coordinate rotational internship program communications; and
  • MCDH to help share their employee testimonial videos and to collaborate on and uplift messaging on the Community Health Grant Initiatives funded through the McHenry County Board’s Advance McHenry County program. This story was included in the Northwest Herald on July 29, 2024.

Communications of Note

County Administration staff gave a presentation to the County Board on the Workforce Housing Workgroup’s research over the past year. Included with the presentation was a bound and professionally printed copy of the workgroup’s report for distribution to municipal and other community stakeholders. This story was included in the Northwest Herald on July 12, 2024.

Follower Growth and Reach

During the month of July, all County Administration social media channels have increased their followings by these numbers: Facebook: 82, Instagram: 12, Twitter 12, LinkedIn: 46.

Reach for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have increased compared to last month, but LinkedIn has decreased.

Reach and Engagement Metrics


Peter Austin, County Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

  • Mr. Austin stated County Coordinator Chalen Daigle is going to host a meeting of Municipal Planners and Community Development Staff on Friday and they will introduce them to the report mentioned by Ms. Schueller.
  • He stated he had an important budget meeting with Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kerri Wisz, County Board Chairman Buehler, and Finance & Audit Chair Skala on Monday.
  • He stated they are going to have a good discussion at the FA committee tomorrow with Mark Piekos attending and explaining how to rework his Advance McHenry County grant that the County Board gave the MCEDC earlier in the year.  
  • He stated he and Ms. Daigle have a meeting in Wonder Lake with the Village Administrator to talk about helping the Village with R1 Planning.  
  • They received good news from Frontier Internet that they have approved their plans for the North and Northeast part of McHenry County.  
  • Last week on Friday they opened bids for Randall Road, they were on the high side but within the boundaries.  They anticipated a $57 million to $64 million bid and it came in at $63.5 million. 


  • Mover: Greeno
    Seconder: Van Hof

    To adjourn the meeting at 9:56 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (6)Althoff, Gottemoller, Meshes, Van Hof, Greeno, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Kunkle
    Recommended (6 to 0)