McHenry County

MHB Finance & Audit - Public Meeting


Mental Health Board - Main Floor Conference Room
620 Dakota St., Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Members Present:
  • Adam Carson, 
  • Connee Meschini, 
  • Carolyn Schofield, 
  • and Lindsay Keisman 
Members Absent:
  • Ray Lapinas 

Meeting called to order at: 5:01pm by L. Keisman.

Also in attendance: Amy Rath 

  • Mover: Adam Carson
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    Approve previous minutes

    Approved by Voice

M. Duran gives an overview of the reports starting on page 6 of agenda packet.  

There will be notice sent out to the funded providers to encourage review of utilization of FFS programs and report any needs before the August MHB Board Meeting,

Opioid settlement funds of $658,162 have been received through the end of June. The funds received are settlements from Pharmacy’s that MHB staff was unaware of. The additional funds will be allocated to agencies in FY25 and 26. The budget for FY25 Opioid Funding allocations has been increased from $250,000 to $650,000.

There is a discussion as to whether the opioid dollars could be used for capital and staff will do further research and report back.

M. Duran states there are updates to the document on page 16 of the agenda packet as noted below:


There is a discussion regarding that there should be a clear conversations with providers the need to differentiate the difference between the long term opioid dollars and the dollars to address the opioid crisis. 

M. Duran gives the overview of the county budget forms and answers questions. 

M. Duran reviews the excess budget dollars that can be moved to unallocated client services.

  • Mover: Adam Carson
    Seconder: Connee Meschini

    To adjourn the meeting at 5:55pm.

    Approved by Voice