McHenry County

Historic Preservation Commission - Public Meeting


County Board Conference Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Keith Bartosik, 
  • Kirk Donald, 
  • Peter Gussie, 
  • Sarah Metivier-Schadt, 
  • and Rachell Horbenko 
Members Absent:
  • Stuart Thiel, 
  • Anthony Alfaro, 
  • Melody Jacobson, 
  • and William Ziemek 

Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m.

  • Mover: Sarah Metivier-Schadt
    Seconder: Rachell Horbenko

    Approve previous minutes of June 5, 2024 and July 3, 2024

    Approved by Voice

There were no guests present.

Chairman Gussie reported the meeting was well attended and those in attendance were very receptive and excited.  MCCD was the focus of the meeting and they presented on their historic properties and how they are restoring and preserving them.  He noted they briefly discussed the rural survey and showed a few examples of the data.  There was mention of holding quarterly meetings in the future.  A tentative date of October 22, 2024 was set to be held at the county.

Chairman Gussie noted that the final data was due in July but has not been received.  The project is still in progress.

Commissioner Bartosik is continuing to work on the letters and will email to Chairman Gussie. Chairman would like to include an application for landmarking, property tax freeze forms and the historic code to provide as a packet with the letters. Chairman also mentioned having a web based meeting recorded with attendance from the the national registry, the state for property tax freeze and historic credits with each giving a short presentation on each area.  Potential applicants could be referred to the website for this information in the recording and a designated commissioner would follow up with a phone call.

  • Mover: Kirk Donald
    Seconder: Rachell Horbenko

    To approve expenditure of $350 for Scenic Drive display stands for the Scenic Road brochure

    Approved by Voice

Chairman Gussie explained that new photos of are needed for the website.    For the next meeting he will break up areas into routes and assign to commissioners to take photos.

Chairman Gussie reported the Village of Cary does not have a historic preservation group but the McHenry County Historic Preservation Commission has been appointed by ordinance.


  • Mover: Sarah Metivier-Schadt
    Seconder: Kirk Donald

    To adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

    Approved by Voice