McHenry County

Mental Health Board - Regular Meeting


Mental Health Board - Main Floor Conference Room
620 Dakota St., Crystal Lake, IL 60012
Members Present:
  • Connee Meschini, 
  • Greg Alexander, 
  • Mike Baber, 
  • Adam Carson, 
  • Ray Lapinas, 
  • Amy Rath, 
  • and Carolyn Schofield 
Members Absent:
  • Christina Bruhn 
  • and Lindsay Keisman 

Meeting called to order at: 6pm by C. Meschini

Mike Baber in attendance via telephone.

Also in attendance: Leonetta Rizzi, Karin Frisk, Bridget Geenen, Eric Villa, and members of the public and provider agencies

  • Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Adam Carson

    To allow Mike Baber to attend telephonically.

    Approved by Voice

Jennifer Cellucci, School Social Worker and Transition Facilitator for Woodstock School District attending on behalf of students, their families, and Clearbrook.  J. Cellucci gives and overview of her work history and experience and states the immediate need of the warrant of need funding and requests the funding for Clearbrook be approved.

Dylan Krambeer speaks with parent Angela Krambeer and states current diagnosis and describes the amount of help needed on a daily basis. D. Krambeer describes the reasons and need for Clearbrook and requests the board to help Clearbrook. A. Krambeer gives an overview of how Intellectual and Development Disabilities affect families and the support needed to help those with IDDs and requests the board to fund the Clearbrook request.

Ricardo Segura speaks on behalf of his 27-year-old son. R. Segura reviews what life at home would be without Clearbrook stating it would be crisis and chaos citing personal examples. R. Segura gives praises to Clearbrook and requests continued funding.

Suzanne Hoban, Family Health Partnership Clinic, gives an overview of a time in the past when the clinic could not utilize all the therapy funding allotted to the agency due to Covid and workforce issues. MHB worked with FHPC regarding the use of funding. FHPC is now staffed, and it has helped the referral process and increased access for clients. S. Hoban thanks the board for the support.

Carrie Koenig, parent of Tyler and Allie, speaks in support of Clearbrook and requests the approval of the Clearbrook funding request. C. Koenig gives an overview of how those with IDD are not seen in society today and speaks highly of Clearbrook as both her adult children attend Clearbrook while both adult children have been waiting for well of 20 years on the PUNS list. Illinois does not represent this community well and requests the MHB to do better and support Clearbrook.

Tiffany Valkema, Program Manager, Options and Advocacy provides the MHB with highlights of some of the work funded by the MHB. Last month T. Valkema discussed Educational Advocacy and states that another area of service the funding supports is training to local law enforcement, EMT's, and fire departments. Options and Advocacy provides autism-related training to build knowledge and skill sets around how to provide appropriate support to autistic individuals when responding to crisis calls. T. Valkema provides stats on trainings provided to date and thanks the MHB for their support.

Steve Kniola speaks regarding the Clearbrook funding request. S. Kniola provides and overview of his daughter's medical history and that she has been participating in the Clearbrook for the past 6 months. They have seen her blossom in many ways. His daughter will continue to flourish if the funding is approved and requests that the MHB approve the Clearbrook funding.

  • Mover: Amy Rath
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    Approve previous minutes

    Approved by Voice

C. Meschini states the board assessment is due today and we have 6 of the 9 members that have responded.

  • Mover: Greg Alexander
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    To Elect MHB Officers as presented.

    Aye (7)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, and Amy Rath
    Absent (2)Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (7 to 0)

ED summarizes and highlights portions of the Executive Directors report which begins on page 11 in the agenda packet and can be read in full.

  • MHB had a power outage last night and we are dealing with multiple issues today including door locking and air conditioner.
  • FY25 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Application opened on May 31, 2024. The application(s) will be due on July 31, 2024. Although we posted having approximately $10,830,000 for Client Services MHB funding and $250,000 budgeted for Opioid Settlement $ available for FY25, we have received updated information on Opioid settlement funds from the pharmacies and it’s over $800K in total that the county has received. We will be reposting the Opioid NOFA with this updated information. Staff will complete review in the Foundant system for Board review/input to follow. Vickie will be sending out the tutorial again for the Board.
  • MHB office space update: Due to an interested party, the last office space has not been placed with a realtor until we assess the potential interested candidate.
  • IT Projects update: Door project is anticipated to be completed by mid-July now due to elevator project delay. IT will send a notification for the reissuing of badges in this next month. The Board Room live-streaming camera project should be ready for July board meeting.
  • June 22nd, the United States celebrates the 25th anniversary of the landmark Olmstead decision. On June 22, 1999, the United States Supreme Court held in Olmstead v. L.C. that unjustified segregation of persons with disabilities constitutes discrimination in violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Court held that public entities must provide community-based services to persons with disabilities when (1) such services are appropriate; (2) the affected persons do not oppose community-based treatment; and (3) community-based services can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the resources available to the public entity and the needs of others who are receiving disability services from the entity. The White House hosted a celebration on the 18th in which many of our IDD Association leaders were in attendance.
  • August Membership Meetings - Mark Your Calendars for August 1 and 2, 2024. Virtual Meeting.
  • On June 7th, the Governor signed HB 4951, the revenue omnibus bill, which includes significant changes to the Community Mental Health Act (CMHA) which MHBs were involved in drafting feedback. These changes are effective immediately.
  • Veterans Path to Hope received a major Suicide Prevention grant from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and they are very excited to start October 1, 2024. $634,022 was granted in year 2 of the 2-year grant cycle and they are hoping the VA will offer another round next year.
  • NW CASA is excited about the advocacy this past year, resulting in a $20M budget for ICASA, which will trickle down to agencies. As you recall, they were hit last year, with a significant decrease in budget. Press release in addendum.
  • There were two Providers not set up with Electronic Payments which is in the FY24 contracts.  We are down to one provider and they are working on it, but payments have ceased for the past 2 months until this is resolved.
  • There is a typo on the top of the report. It is dated May 28, 2024 and should be dated June 25, 2024.

The Finance Report can be read in full in the agenda packet starting on page 14.

  • Mover: Greg Alexander
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    to approve the consent agenda

    Aye (7)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, and Amy Rath
    Absent (2)Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (7 to 0)

No old business to discuss.

  • Emily Fencl provides an overview of the following presentation.


Questions from the MHB Board Members:

C. Meschini asks about Medicaid as it pertains to programming at Clearbrook. Emily gives an overview of how Medicaid works in regard to programming.

  • There is Medicaid Insurance but that does NOT cover a Day Program or In Home Support but one needs to be Medicaid eligible in order to be approved for the waiver from the Division of Developmental Disabilities.

C. Schofield asks if the MHB is the only source of funding for the individuals being served and funded by the MHB funding. E. Fencl states that the individuals that are being served through the WON funding, there is NO other funding. Clients can have any type of insurance, private or government, but insurance cannot be used for Day Services or In Home Support as insurance does not cover this services. The WON funding is only utilized for individuals waiting for the approval of waiver from Division of Developmental Disabilities. Once a client gets an approved waiver from the Division of Developmental Disabilities, that client is no longer eligible for the MHB WON funding as the agency can bill State Medicaid dollars for the services.

C. Schofield asks if there is The Choice Program in other counties. E. Fencl states there used to be one in Evanston and in Park Ridge, but Covid caused many problems and now it is just offered in Crystal Lake and Woodstock. C. Schofield asks if that is due to the funding the MHB can offer. E. Fencl states yes and because of the need, and because of the strong networking and collaboration that happens in McHenry County. E. Fencl states that Clearbrook had home based services out here and Clearbrook was asked by the MHB to add and provide these services to the county. C. Meschini states that her and the former Executive Director of MHB approached Clearbrook as Pioneer was the only other provider of these services.

C. Schofield points out that the original request was for $100,000, which was fully funded. Then there was a request for $150,000 and now it is for $160,000 for less individuals and can you explain the numbers.

E. Fencl states the following points:

  • The first year Clearbrook was brought in, one lump sum which was utilized as needed: capital, building programs, etc.
  • Then Clearbrook applied for WON funding. Clearbrook has no way of planning on when someone will get approved for the state funding and removed from the WON funding. Could happen during an MHB funding cycle or may never happen.
  • Clearbrook's intention is to be as transparent as possible and not over ask for dollars that could not be spent.
  • In previous years, the process has been very fluent, and agencies were encouraged to come back for additional funds requests. Estimating is difficult as there could be new clients in the middle of the funding cycle, or clients are sick and that is not billable. FFS dollars are very difficult to predict. The current board has a new process which has caused a pause as to how to make the next request and if there is only one lump sum awarded, additional clients would have to be denied. 
  • C. Schofield states she challenges some of the statements made as the board was and still is extremely supportive of the program and fully funded the original request which was a rarity this cycle. C. Schofield states she takes exception in some of the comments that we do not support the IDD community as it has been a priority for the MHB, and we are the only county in the state that incorporates this into our mission. The questions brought up are related to using historical data, the previous requests were much higher and that Clearbrook should be requesting more if the need is higher. As a board member we are accountable to utilize the dollars and there are many other agencies and if all the other agencies used the same philosophy, we would be stuck with 25 agencies coming before the board asking for additional funding with a small amount to give. C. Schofield suggests that moving forward do not over ask but have a solid reality of an ask and then at the second round capture the needs or excess and having a solid plan is beneficial for the board and the agency. 
  • E. Fencl states she has learned a lot from this year's cycle and hopes the board has learned from her this year as well.

A. Rath states that she appreciates that the process/rules have been changed mid-year and yes, it is a higher request but understands the numbers and Clearbrook was caught up in the process and hopefully a more holistic view can be taken in the future.

C. Meschini requests L. Rizzi to speak and provide further comments. L. Rizzi states the big difference in FFS vs. Grant and encourages board members to get their questions answered before board meetings if possible. Please come to and use the staff for questions. L. Rizzi states that this could have passed last month, and it is embarrassing that the families are present and a presentation when the work could have been done last month.

C. Schofield states that it is inappropriate for L. Rizzi to be commenting on board decisions and L. Rizzi clarifies she is commenting on board process and coming to staff for answers before the board meetings.

C. Meschini stops the conversation between C. Schofield and L. Rizzi to resume the meeting.

R. Lapinas states that at the end of the year FY22 is higher than what was requested the following funding cycle. R. Lapinas states that the request should be at least the same as you would never need less, which would be understandable. E. Fencl gives an overview of when state budget and rate changes happen and how estimates are made and will take the suggestions of the board when submitting the next application for funding.

M. Baber states that he feels there is enough information to vote, and the board needs to make a decision.

  • Mover: Mike Baber
    Seconder: Amy Rath

    To approve the funding request as presented in the decision memo.

    Aye (7)Carolyn Schofield, Connee Meschini, Ray Lapinas, Adam Carson, Greg Alexander, Mike Baber, and Amy Rath
    Absent (2)Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn
    Recommended (7 to 0)

C. Meschini states she visited the CILA home in Woodstock and all who get a chance should visit. 

G. Alexander states that E. Fencl has learned some things, and he believes he has learned more about the process and agrees that board members should try to get questions before the meeting there will be questions that come up.

A. Rath summarizes agency visits she has been on. A. Rath and L. Keisman visited Pioneer and shared some of L. Keisman's notes. They visited the shelter and spoke about the IDD services. Pioneer stated that it can be a hurdle at how many grants and funders are looking for creation of new programs and innovations and it can be frustrating to get the new program funded and then funding disappears the next year because it is not a new program. A. Rath states they are very creative with the use of the funds. A. Rath visited Greater Family Health and a benefit to them is that they are behavioral health but mainly primary care providers and medical which allows wholistic care and erases stigma as the facility is not just behavioral health. They are on track to exceed the visits they had last year but they will probably not need additional funding. 

C. Meschini reminds members that on agency visits there should not be any promises made and these visits are for listening and learning.

C. Schofield states that the discussions that transpire at board meetings is great and that this is a public body and engagement with the public and their understanding and where our decisions come from are beneficial and having conversations and asking questions in public are helpful to all.

Motion to enter Executive Session by R. Lapinas and seconded by C. Schofield all in favor at 7:30pm.

Return to Regular Session at 7:35pm

Roll Call taken:
Present: G. Alexander, M. Baber, A. Carson, L. Keisman, A. Rath, C. Schofield, C. Meschini
Absent: C. Bruhn, R. Lapinas

MHB Member reviewed and approved Executive Session Minutes from 12/19/23, 3/26/24, and 4/23/24. No
other action was taken.

  • Mover: Ray Lapinas
    Seconder: Carolyn Schofield

    To Enter into Executive Session

    Approved by Voice
  • Mover: Carolyn Schofield
    Seconder: Amy Rath

    The McHenry County Mental Health Board, Board of Directors direct the release of the Executive Session public minutes as presented for the dates of:

    • December 19, 2023 (Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes)
    • March 26, 2024 (Executive Director Contract)
    • April 23, 2024 (Executive Director Contract - continued)
    Absent (3)Mike Baber, Lindsay Keisman, and Christina Bruhn


  • Mover: Adam Carson
    Seconder: Mike Baber

    To adjourn the meeting at 7:36pm

    Approved by Voice