McHenry County

Law & Government/Liquor - Public Meeting


County Board Conference Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Pamela Althoff, 
  • Mike Shorten, 
  • Matt Kunkle, 
  • Carolyn Campbell, 
  • and Kelli Wegener 
Members Absent:
  • Eric Hendricks 
  • and Brian Sager 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 8:31 A.M.

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator; Sandra Salgado, Sheriff's Office Business Manager; Chalen Daigle, County Coordinator; Adam Letendre, Director of Procurement and Special Services; Kelly Scimeca, Director of Office of Special Projects.

  • Mover: Kunkle
    Seconder: Wegener

    To approve the minutes from the May 28, 2024 meeting.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)

Chair Althoff stated Ms. Schuller sent an electronic report to all of the members.  She did want to note that July 1 is a big day in Illinois because that is when all of the new laws will take effect.  


Veto session is scheduled for November 12 to 14 and then November 19 to 21.


The House Appropriations Committee has heard and passed acts containing portions of the potential FY25 Federal Budget, but it has not yet passed or marked up the portion relating to Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development, the act that could house Community Project Funding for the headquarters of the Police Social Work Program.  Staff will continue to monitor the Appropriations Committee to see if the County’s Community Project Funding request is granted, denied, or reduced.



This bill grants the City of Marengo property for the purpose of extending water and sanitary sewer services to the Interstate 90 and Illinois Route 23 corridor.  This bill has passed both chambers but has not yet been received or signed by the Governor.

HB 5190: HWY CD-Lapsed Funds.  This bill has passed both chamber but has not yet been received or signed by the Governor.

HB 5190 provides that the allocation to road districts shall be made in the same manner and be subject to the same conditions and qualifications as are provided by Section 8 of the Motor Vehicle Tax Law with respect to the allocation to road districts of the amount allotted from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for apportionment to counties for the use of road districts, but no allocation shall be made to any road district that has not levied taxes for road and bridge purposes in such a manner that is eligible for allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funding pursuant to the Motor Fuel Tax Law.  Provides that any funds allocated to a county that are not obligated within 48 months shall be considered lapsed funds and reappropriated in the same fund.  Provides that the lapsed funds shall be used to provide additional monetary assistance to townships and road districts that have insufficient funding for construction of bridges that are 20 feet or more in length under the Code.  Requires the Department of Transportation to adopt rules to implement the provisions. 

  • Mover: Campbell
    Seconder: Kunkle

    To approve the remaining items of the Routine Consent Agenda.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)

Pulled by Ms. Wegener.

Sandra Salgado, Sheriff's Office Business Manager, joined the committee to discuss the resolution. 

Ms. Salgado stated the resolution has been discussed since November when they passed the current year's budget.  She stated at that point they knew they were likely entering into a contract with Lake County, however, budget policy did not allow her to budget for it at that time.  There were still issues going on with the Lake County Sheriff and his County Board, so they budgeted at the level per the tier in their contract for Healthcare at 100-200 average daily population.  Once they got Lake County on board they went over that which is another tier and another price, so after talking with Mr. Austin and Ms. Wisz they decided not to come back until they have exhausted what their current budget is.

Chair Althoff wanted to confirm that the funds that they receive from Lake County will assist McHenry County.  Ms. Salgado confirmed that is correct. 

Ms. Wegener inquired about when they are accounting for the income and expenses for Lake County if they would be offsetting the increased health expense from the Lake County budget.  Ms. Salgado confirmed that is correct.  

  • Mover: Campbell
    Seconder: Shorten

    Authorization to increase the Sheriff’s budget to reflect the increase in ADP and increased rate of service for healthcare in the jail.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)

Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator, and Kelly Scimeca, Director of Office of Special Projects, joined the committee for the discussion.  

Chair Althoff started with the assumption that this was a successful application and that the funds were received.  Ms. Scimeca confirmed that is correct and stated that they received two out of the four grants and that they are waiting on the other two.  

Mr. Wallis stated they found out about them late on Thursday, which is why there was no official resolution brought forward. 

Chair Althoff inquired about the intent moving forward and if they would be having the discussion at the Law & Government/Liquor (LGL) Committee and having a resolution go to the Finance & Audit (FA) Committee.  Mr. Austin stated it will need to go to the Administrative Services (AS) Committee then FA.  

Mr. Wallis stated one grant is from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the other is a pilot program for an employment specialist through Workforce.  

Chair Althoff congratulated Mr. Wallis and Ms. Scimeca and requested they notify the committee once they receive the other two grants.  





Peter Austin, County Administrator, and Sandra Salgado, Sheriff's Business Manager, joined the committee to discuss a report.  

Mr. Austin stated he had a good discussion with Ms. Salgado about the jail and she noted that they have retirees on the horizon and Lake County has their own staffing struggles, which is the perfect storm to discuss Sheriff wages.  He stated the Sheriff's management team and Human Resources are going to review the wages at the end of the year and compare them to what Lake County does.  He noted revenue is good right now but there is going to be a premium on the correctional officer positions. 

  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Kunkle

    To adjourn the meeting at 8:48 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)