McHenry County

County Board - Committee of the Whole


County Board Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Pamela Althoff (D6), 
  • Carolyn Campbell (D3), 
  • Joseph Gottemoller (D4), 
  • Terri Greeno (D5), 
  • Eric Hendricks (D3), 
  • Carl Kamienski (D6), 
  • Jim Kearns (D9), 
  • Matt Kunkle (D1), 
  • Theresa Meshes (D1), 
  • Louisett Ness (D7), 
  • John Reinert (D2), 
  • Brian Sager (D7), 
  • Mike Shorten (D4), 
  • Michael Skala (D9), 
  • Larry Smith (D8), 
  • Gloria Van Hof (D2), 
  • Tracie Von Bergen (D8), 
  • and Chairman Mike Buehler 
Members Absent:
  • Kelli Wegener (D5) 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 9:00 A.M.

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Kerri Wisz, Chief Financial Officer; Adam Letendre, Director of Procurement and Special Services; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; Kyle Bruett, Assistant State's Attorney; Melissa Adamson, Health Administrator; Maryellen Howell, VPH Division Director/Animal Control Administrator; Darrell Kuntz, Assistant County Engineer; Sandra Salgado, Business Manager/Sheriff; Adam Wallen, Director of Planning and Development; Renee Hanlon, Deputy Director of Planning and Development; Cheryl Chukwu, Director of Human Resources; Suzanne Ziebart, Assistant HR Director; Donna Kurtz, County Treasurer; Chief Judge Chmiel; Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator; Kelly Scimeca, Court Administration's Director of Office of Special Projects; Shannon Teresi, County Auditor.

  • Mover: Campbell
    Seconder: Gottemoller

    To allow the remote attendance of Ms. Ness

    Aye (12)Althoff, Gottemoller, Kearns, Smith, Von Bergen, Campbell, Kunkle, Reinert, Shorten, Greeno, Kamienski, and Sager
    Absent (1)Wegener
    Approved (12 to 0)

Matthew Kunkle led the County Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kathie Bough, Administrative Manager, called the Roll.  

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:02:46

Good morning, I have several items to share with the board before we begin reviewing the agenda for next Tuesday’s voting meeting.

On Monday, I attended the McHenry County Council of Governments Annual Golf Outing. The weather was perfect, we saw a lot of familiar faces, and MCOG once again threw a successful event to network with our municipal partners. Thank you to MCOG, and thank you to board members Mike Skala and Terri Greeno for coming as well.

If you didn’t catch it in the news over the past week, the Village of Wonder Lake has the honor of being the fastest-growing town in the state, according to recently released US Census population estimates. The village’s population grew from 3,996 people in 2020 to 4,889 in 2023 – that’s a 23 percent increase, and the most of the more than 1,300 municipalities in Illinois.

Also, with 8 percent growth, the Village of Union came in as the ninth-fastest-growing municipality in Illinois.

I began my State of the County Address in February with the message that McHenry County has made its comeback, and now it’s time to thrive. Wonder Lake was one of the many examples I cited of home growth and development coming back all over the county. This Census data is very welcome, and yet another optimistic sign that good days lie ahead for us.

At the May 31, County board chairmen’s meeting of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Illinois State Association of Counties Executive Director Joe McCoy praised our own Pam Althoff for chairing ISACo’s Wind and Solar Facility Task Force that was convened to develop legislation to modify and improve state regulation during the General Assembly’s recently concluded spring legislative session. I’ll second what Joe said – thank you, Pam, for your hard work.

Last Friday, the Finance and Audit Committee recommended approval of the proposed MCRide Connect Program. The program will augment our groundbreaking paratransit service by partnering with Pace to allow county residents 65 and older or with disabilities to take trips using ride-sharing services at a discounted cost, subsidized through the RTA Sales Tax Fund.

This program bridges a gap – while MCRide is a model to follow, riders must order their trips one to seven days in advance – and as everyone here knows, life comes at you fast, and sometimes, you need to be somewhere now. I’m excited about this, and it’s something I’ve felt for a while is needed to serve people who fall through the cracks. The resolution approving the intergovernmental agreement with Pace is among the items we’ll be reviewing today for next Tuesday’s agenda.

And finally, Crystal Lake Central High School has had a great past couple of weeks. On June 1, the Tigers Girls Soccer Team clinched their first-ever IHSA state championship, and last Saturday, the Tigers Baseball Team clinched their first-ever IHSA state championship.

Staff have written proclamations honoring both teams, and we’re inviting them both to come to our July meeting to accept them in person, and on that very happy note, that’s all I have for you this morning.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:06:10

Carl Kamienski stated last night he was able to attend the Johnsburg Area Business Association (JABA) meeting where they hosted the state of the Village.  He stated it was nice because they explained where they are, where they were, and where they are going, which were all positive things and great outlooks for the future.  He stated it was noted to the McHenry County Department of Transportation (DOT) for their help on the bridge on Johnsburg Road and also the resurfacing of Bay and Spring Grove.  He stated they will have approximately 40 new housing units that will come online in the Fall and are getting the sewer line underneath the river in the Summer.  

James Kearns wanted to give a shout-out to an honest local business in Crystal Lake.  He stated last Sunday he was at a park jumping in a bouncy house with his granddaughter and lost his wedding band, but he got a call from 2 Froggy Jumps LLC in Crystal Lake who said they found his wedding band and turned it into him.  So he wanted to publicly acknowledge the business and thank them.  

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:09:47

Nicole Neises, of McHenry IL, regarding Variation 2024-028

Craig Steagall, of Crystal Lake IL, regarding Ridgefield Road 

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:16:54

Presented by: Chief Judge Chmiel, Dan Wallis, Court Administrator - 22nd Circuit Clerk, and Kelly Scimeca, Court Administration's Director of Office of Special Projects.  

Chief Judge Chmiel joined the committee to inform the County Board of their continued appreciation for their mutual collaboration on funding as it is a critical component of the 22nd Judicial Circuit Clerk's operation.  He stated in the last year they have replaced about 20% of their Judiciary staff as they have four new Judges and he is grateful because they are back at full staff.  He wanted to invite the Board Members personally to an open house that they are hosting next Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.  He mentioned the main reason they are at the meeting is to discuss a year ago when he took the helm they created a new division, their Problem-Solving Courts Division because it is such an important part of their operations and helps the community.  

After the presentation, Chairman Buehler wanted to recognize Director of Human Resources Cheryl Chukwu, as she would be retiring after a long employment with McHenry County and had Mr. Gottemoller read a proclamation that would be accepted at Tuesday's County Board Meeting.  

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 01:28:01

Chairman Buehler asked for any items that Board members will remove to allow staff that is not necessary for questions to return to their departments.



9.a - Proclamation Declaring June 2024 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month Throughout McHenry County (12), removed for discussion by Ms. Greeno


10.b.1 - 2024-028 Neises, McHenry Twp, A1V-A1V (Requires an affirmative 3/4 vote of all members to pass.), removed for discussion by Mr. Smith

Mr. Kearns stated he did not have comments but that he would be pulling all of the Solar Farms petitions.  Chairman stated that the Clerk informed him that during their voting meetings, they would need to remove them and vote separately as it makes it an easier process.   


16.b.2.1 - Resolution Authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, the McHenry County Sheriff, and the County of McHenry for the Time Period of 12/1/23 through 11/30/26 (09), removed for discussion by Mr. Sager

16.b.2.4 - Resolution Creating the Position of Graduate Intern in the County Administration Departmental Roster and Authorizing an Emergency Appropriation to the FY 2024 County Administration Budget for Corresponding Salary Expenses (18), removed for discussion by Mr. Smith



9.a - Proclamation Declaring June 2024 as LGBTQ+ Pride Month Throughout McHenry County (12)

Ms. Greeno stated when the Board Members took their oaths of office they said that they would uphold the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution for the State of Illinois and as part of that the Declaration of Independence states that they hold those truths to be self-evident that all were created equal.  Furthermore, the definition of the proclamation is an official declaration issued by persons of authority to make certain announcements, and with that in consideration when they look at the particular proclamation they are indicting the residents and constituents of McHenry County.  Specifically states that individuals identified in the proclamation face inequality in Healthcare, Employment, and Housing Systems in McHenry County with a disparate impact and also that they are forcing certain identities to live in secrecy due to fear of criminalization in relationships and feeling marginalized.  She stated she has lived in McHenry County for nearly five decades and she has never seen or been a part of litigation, as well in the employment business she has never seen any form of discrimination with any employer in the County.  She asked that if the proclamation is going to move forward that is certainly not be voted upon and have the County Board draft something that has nothing to do with the business and make a statement indicting the residents and constituents of McHenry County.  

Ms. Meshes stated just because they do not see it does not mean it is not happening.  She stated social behavior has changed from the time she was younger to now and she acknowledged that she has more growing to do but there are certainly people in the County who do not feel welcome or unsafe.  She stated she supports the proclamation and the citizens of the County feeling seen, heard, and protected.  


10.b.1 - 2024-028 Neises, McHenry Twp, A1V-A1V (Requires an affirmative 3/4 vote of all members to pass.)

Mr. Smith stated he was hoping staff would comment on it and all of the Board members look into it more closely.  While it seems like a good idea, there are a couple of subdivisions near the property and some neighbors who are concerned about it.

Ms. Hanlon stated the event came to their attention last year because the applicant hosted the event for two years but was not aware that they needed a temporary use permit to conduct the event.  Last year they received a lot of complaints from the neighbors that there were a lot of people on the property, too much noise, and concerns about what was occurring.  So the County reached out to the applicant and explained that if they do the event in the future they would need to get a temporary use permit, which they came in and applied for.  She noted that if the members recall they recently changed the rules on those kinds of events and require a minimum of 5-acre lot size, so right off the bat they were only on 4.7 they knew they needed a variation for that.  She stated they have always allowed the events for three consecutive days but they need to host the event for a week so with those variations that was the first obstacle of the process.  She stated they started the variation process at that time and after the Hearing Officer heard the case there were about seven neighbors who came and spoke in opposition to the variations.  The Hearing Officer found that the standards for variation were met for the minimum lot size of 4.7 to 5 acres and recommended approval, but recommended denial for increasing the length of the event from three consecutive days to a week.  The way the Ordinance will come before the Board is both variations are written in the positive, so if they would like to vote no to the variations they would cast a no vote.  She noted that because the Hearing Officer recommended denial for one of the variations it would require a Supermajority vote from the Board in order to approve the additional length of time variation.  


16.b.2.1 - Resolution Authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement Between the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, the McHenry County Sheriff, and the County of McHenry for the Time Period of 12/1/23 through 11/30/26 (09)

Mr. Sager wanted to comment and state that he is very supportive of the resolution, and wanted to publicly thank Ms. Chukwu, the Chief, and Ms. Salgado as every time they go through collective bargaining agreements it is always a challenge.  He stated he knows that they go into those will full knowledge and understanding that a true negotiation is going to have both parties leaving with things they appreciate and some that they are not as satisfied with but he thinks that is the nature of a good agreement.  So he wanted to thank and commend all of them for bringing the contract forward as it shows the fine work that they all have done.  

16.b.2.4 - Resolution Creating the Position of Graduate Intern in the County Administration Departmental Roster and Authorizing an Emergency Appropriation to the FY 2024 County Administration Budget for Corresponding Salary Expenses (18)

Mr. Smith stated he voted no for the resolution during the committee meeting as he does not see it as something that the County needs to jump into and he does not feel that it warrants an emergency appropriation.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 01:43:45

Mr. Austin stated he had a written report which he gave all of the members, and he encouraged them to reach out if they had any questions.  




  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Meshes

    To Adjourn at 10:43 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (17)Althoff, Gottemoller, Kearns, Meshes, Skala, Smith, Von Bergen, Campbell, Kunkle, Van Hof, Reinert, Shorten, Greeno, Kamienski, Sager, Ness, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Wegener
    Approved (17 to 0)
No Item Selected