McHenry County

Law & Government/Liquor - Public Meeting


County Board Conference Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Pamela Althoff, 
  • Mike Shorten, 
  • Matt Kunkle, 
  • Carolyn Campbell, 
  • Eric Hendricks, 
  • and Kelli Wegener 
Members Absent:
  • Brian Sager 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 8:34 A.M.

Peter Austin, County Administrator; Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Kerri Wisz, Chief Financial Officer; Dan Wallis (TEAMs), Trial Court Administrator; Seth Krause,  Director of Court Services and Probation; David Christensen, Director of EMA; Tiki Schulte, Director of ETSB; Kathy Keefe, Clerk of the Circuit Court; Dr. Michael Rein, County Coroner; Sandra Salgado, Sheriff's Office Business Manager; Sheriff Tadelman; Broke Loyd, EMA Chief Deputy; Chief Judge Chmiel; Under Sheriff Bucci; Randy Sinitean, Assistant Director of ETSB; Robin Shetley, Circuit Clerk Chief Deputy; Laura Hart, Circuit Clerk Fiscal Operation Manager. 

  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Campbell

    To allow the remote attendance of Mr. Kunkle.

    Aye (4)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, and Shorten
    Abstain (1)Kunkle
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (4 to 0)
  • Mover: Campbell
    Seconder: Wegener

    To approve the minutes from the July 30, 2024 meeting.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)

Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs, joined the committee to discuss the report.  


Veto session is scheduled for November 12 to 14 and then November 19 to 21.


The House of Representatives and Senate are tentatively due to return to Washington on September 9 until September 27 to discuss budget matters. Most likely there will be a short-term budget approved until after the election. Staff will continue to monitor budget developments regarding McHenry County’s community project funding request for the Police Social Work Program Headquarters.


The Illinois Transportation Committee is hosting public transit listening sessions regarding the proposed funding and merger of the RTA, Metra, Pace and CTA. Chairman Buehler has been invited to speak at the hearing on August 28. The meeting times are as follows: 


  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Wegener

    To approve the items of the routine consent agenda.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, and Shorten
    Absent (2)Sager, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)
  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Wegener

    Authorization to accept a grant award of $49,000.00 from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to continue to fund the 22nd Judicial Circuit Family Violence Coordinating Council Program.


Mr. Hendricks arrives at 8:40 A.M.

Pulled by Ms. Campbell for discussion.

Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the resolution.

Ms. Campbell asked if Mr. Wallis had an idea of what the total cost would be year by year or at least an estimate for the budget.

Mr. Wallis responded that the total cost information should be part of the packet, specifically included in an Excel spreadsheet he believed he added.  He stated the Westlaw Classic will be $42,485 per year.  He stated the discussion revolves around evaluating an AI-generated product. There’s recognition of potential opportunities, but since they haven't fully assessed it yet, they will start with Westlaw Classic.

Ms. Campbell expressed that she was confused about the situation, particularly regarding the two options available.

  • Mover: Campbell
    Seconder: Shorten

    Approval of a Resolution authorizing a two (2) year contract with an optional two (2) years with Thomson Reuters for the 22nd Judicial Circuit Court, McHenry County State’s Attorney, McHenry County Public Defender’s Office and Law Library for a period through September 21, 2024, through September 21, 2026.

    Aye (6)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, Shorten, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Sager
    Recommended (6 to 0)

Pulled by Ms. Wegener for discussion.

Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the resolution.

Ms. Wegener stated she had a few questions about the changes.  She noted she believes it's important to offer employees competitive wages and inquired if there is currently any turnover in this area.  

Mr. Wallis stated that every individual has been with the organization for at least a couple of years, with the longest tenure being nine years.

Ms. Wegener inquired about why the case manager's position is not retroactive when the others are.  Mr. Wallis stated that the new duties for the case manager will not begin until the approval is received, meaning they haven’t occurred yet.

Ms. Wegener stated with the total increase mentioned, she inquired about how it would affect the budget.  Stating that the total increase is $3,832 and inquired about how it would be absorbed into the current budget and if there will be any changes to the IMRF.  

Mr. Wallis stated no, it is indicated that there shouldn’t be a need for a budget increase beyond the normal growth.

Mr. Austin stated Mr. Wallis and his team have worked extensively on the four positions in collaboration with Human Resources Director Suzanne Ziebert, addressing adjustments following the non-union wage adjustment from June.

  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Shorten

    Approve the reclassification of four positions within the 22nd Judicial Circuit of McHenry County, Cout Administration roster

    Aye (6)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, Shorten, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Sager
    Recommended (6 to 0)

It was the consensus of the committee to forward the budgets for Court Administration, Court Services, Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB), Circuit Clerk, Coroner, Sheriff, and Merit Commission to the full County Board for a recommendation.

Dan Wallis, Trial Court Administrator, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Court Administration Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Seth Krause, Director of Court Services and Probation, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Court Services Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

David Christensen, Director of EMA, and Brooke Loyd, Chief Deputy of EMA, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Emergency Management Agency (EMA) Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Tiki Schulte, Director of ETSB, and Randy Sinitean, Assistant Director of ETSB, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Kathy Keefe, Clerk of the Circuit Court; Robin Shetley, Chief Deputy Clerk of the Circuit Court; and Laura Hart, Circuit Clerk Fiscal Operations Manager, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Circuit Clerk Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Michael Rein, County Coroner, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Coroner Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Robb Tadelman, Sheriff; John Bucci, Undersheriff; and Sandra Salgado, Sheriff Business Manager, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Sheriff Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

Kerri Wisz, Chief Financial Officer, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Merit Commission Department budget (contained in the meeting packet). Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.






  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Wegener

    To adjourn the meeting at 11:10 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (6)Althoff, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, Shorten, and Hendricks
    Absent (1)Sager
    Recommended (6 to 0)