McHenry County

County Board - Committee of the Whole


County Board Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Pamela Althoff (D6), 
  • Carolyn Campbell (D3), 
  • Joseph Gottemoller (D4), 
  • Terri Greeno (D5), 
  • Eric Hendricks (D3), 
  • Carl Kamienski (D6), 
  • Jim Kearns (D9), 
  • Matt Kunkle (D1), 
  • Theresa Meshes (D1), 
  • Louisett Ness (D7), 
  • John Reinert (D2), 
  • Brian Sager (D7), 
  • Mike Shorten (D4), 
  • Larry Smith (D8), 
  • Tracie Von Bergen (D8), 
  • and Kelli Wegener (D5) 
Members Absent:
  • Michael Skala (D9), 
  • Gloria Van Hof (D2), 
  • and Chairman Mike Buehler 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 9:00 A.M.  

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Kerri Wisz, Chief Financial Officer; Adam Letendre, Director of Procurement and Special Services; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; Adam Letendre, Director of Procurement and Special Services; Norman Vinton, Chief, Civil Division State's Attorney;  Kyle Bruett, Assistant State's Attorney; Melissa Adamson, Health Administrator; Patricia Nomm, Director of Environmental; Health Scott Hennings, Assistant Director of Transportation; Darrell Kuntz, Assistant County Engineer; Ed Markinson, Maintenance Superintendent; Sandra Salgado, Business Manager/Sheriff; Adam Wallen, Director of Planning and Development; Renee Hanlon, Deputy Director of Planning and Development; Suzanne Ziebart, Director of Human Resources; Jeffery Poynter, Director of Workforce Network; Jake Rohn, Director of Workforce Network Board; Joseph Tirio, County Clerk; Chalen Daigle, County Coordinator; Hans Mach, Community Development Administrator; Brandon Kyker, Community Development Specialist; Mark Kownick, Mayor of Cary. 

Vice-Chair Gottemoller led the County Board in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Kathie Bough, Administrative Manager, called the Roll.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:03:38

Good morning, I hope you all had a wonderful Independence Day holiday last week.

Chairman Buehler is taking a well-deserved break with his family, and I’ll be running the meeting this morning. He’ll be back next Tuesday.

It’s been a while since I sat in the chairman’s seat, and there have been some technological advances regarding our meeting management software since then, but it’ll come back to me.


Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:04:05

Greg Glover, of Crystal Lake IL, regarding Cycling Without Age

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 00:07:26

Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; and Mayor Mark Kownick.

Mr. Hartman introduced himself and welcomed Mayor Mark Kownick to open up the Workforce Housing Workgroup presentation.  He stated that Mayor Kownick has some direct experience with workforce housing development projects and they thought it would be great for him to attend and set the table for the report.  

Mr. Kearns arrives at 9:07 a.m.

Mr. Hendricks arrives at 9:30 a.m.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 01:13:31

Presented by: Adam Wallen, Director of Planning & Development 

Mr. Wallen stated they do not have a presentation for the 2050 Comprehensive Plan yet as it needs to go through the committee first.  He stated they hope to bring it back in September.  

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 01:13:40

Vice-Chair Gottemoller asked for any items that Board members will remove to allow staff that is not necessary for questions to return to their departments.



10.c.1 - 2024-007 Prairie Enterprises LLC, Nunda Twp. B1-B3 (Needs 3/4 vote of all members per UDO 16.20.010.D.2.b.(3). Objection recoded as document 2024R0009886), removed for discussion by Mr. Smith 


16.b.1.1 - Resolution Adopting Amendments to the McHenry County Board Rules (12), removed for discussion by Mr. Kearns


16.b.2.1 - Resolution Authorizing County Participation in the Landlord Engagement Program and an Emergency Appropriation to the CD Division FY 2024 Budget (10), pulled by Ms. Wegener to abstain

16.b.2.3 - Resolution Amending the Construction Budget for the Election Center, 410 Eastwood Drive, Woodstock, Illinois (18), removed for discussion by Ms. Wegener

16.b.2.9 - Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of Grant Award from the McHenry County Community Foundation and the Creation of One Employment Specialist Position in Court Administration and an Emergency Appropriation Court Administration FY2024 Budget (42), pulled by Ms. Wegener to abstain

16.b.2.12 - Resolution Authorizing the Approval of the Community Health Grant awards from the Department of Health’s designated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds (51), pulled by Ms. Wegener to abstain



10.c.1 - 2024-007 Prairie Enterprises LLC, Nunda Twp. B1-B3 (Needs 3/4 vote of all members per UDO 16.20.010.D.2.b.(3). Objection recoded as document 2024R0009886)

Mr. Smith stated it was postponed from the last meeting with the idea that the petitioner and the City of Crystal Lake would have further negotiations, which he understands that has not gone anywhere.  The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) approved the petitioner's request 6-0, stating that it satisfied the conditions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).  He stated he sees himself supporting the petitioner's request at Tuesday's Board Meeting but he knows there was other discussion at the meeting last month and he stated if any other members have more information he would be happy to hear it. 

Mr. Reinert inquired if it would be true to say that if they needed a building with fire suppression they would need to go into the Crystal Lake water anyways.  He then inquired if they would even need the permit from McHenry County because there is water there.  Mr. Wallen stated there is a water sleeve underneath Route 14 and that guideline is established and regulated by the Department of Health as to whether or not it is accessible.  He stated it is hard to determine whether or not fire suppression is a requirement.  Mr. Reinert thanked Mr. Wallen and noted that he is going to reserve his comments for Tuesday's meeting because he would like to discuss the matter further with the City of Crystal Lake.  

Ms. Meshes stated the vote determines the rezoning but if Crystal Lake asked for amendments they cannot add those to the zoning petition. 

Mr. Hartman stated the County can rezone the property to B3, but it comes down to if the property can develop practically as a B3 without having the water issue resolved.  He stated fire suppression is going to be the key driver to whether or not it can be developed on a high-capacity well or not if it cannot they would rely on the City of Crystal Lake's services, which has not been determined yet.  He stated it would be a challenging issue if it does not have city services, that is not fatal, but that has yet to be determined.  

Ms. Sager stated he has respect for any entity that comes forward proposing a project that would increase the County's economic growth and development.  He stated he has concerns about the request to change from a B1 to B3 zoning.  The first concern is proper zoning because B3 provides flexibility but he feels that as the authoritarian body, they need to have a better understanding of what the uses would be as proposed by the petitioner on a B3 zoning.  He stated that the conversation had not been well presented in his mind and not well solidified by the petitioner.  Secondly, he thinks that they need to be realistic and a property that is right on the line with a municipality is not only subject to the mile of planning area but is also going to be more a part of the municipality of Crystal Lake than the County and he does not believe that County decisions should supersede municipal interests and efforts.  

Ms. Campbell stated she concurred with Mr. Sager.  She stated it would not be compatible in their community and on that border so that is how she will determine her vote.  

Ms. Althoff stated she understands the importance of working with other municipal and local governments.  However, she wanted to remind everyone that the power is in the process and they cannot object to object, they must object based on a series of criteria.  She stated as they go forward to evaluate between the Committee of the Whole (COW) and Tuesday's meeting she encourages everyone to remember that they have standards that they are required to stay within when they make the decisions.

Mr. Kunkle stated they say that they want developers in the County but then when they come in and meet the criteria and then the  Board votes no based on emotional issues it is unfair hypocrisy to ask developers to come to McHenry County.  

Ms. Ness left the meeting at 10:16 a.m.


16.b.1.1 - Resolution Adopting Amendments to the McHenry County Board Rules (12)

Mr. Kearns stated he understands the reasoning for each Committee to select a participant to serve on the Senior Services Grant Commission (SSGC), but he inquired about the solution if no member from a particular committee wants to do so.  

Vice-Chair Gottemoller stated he assumed if no one on a committee volunteered that they would have a vacancy at some point in time.  He wanted to remind everyone that the Board Rules can be suspended at any time by a 2/3 vote of the County Board.  

Ms. Althoff concurred with Vice-Chair Gottemoller.  She stated if no one agreed to be on the SSGC it would go back to the Board and they could decide on another member to satisfy the open vacancy.  She suggested having that specified in the Board Rules before Tuesday's meeting.  

Mr. Kearns stated he would be satisfied with that but does not find it necessary as it would go back to the Board anyway.  He then moved on to his next concern regarding the County Board transition and he does not know if there is a better solution of that section but he finds it to be the oddest part of the County Board Rules.  

Vice-Chair Gottemoller stated he would much prefer an organizational committee of the longest-serving members than a committee that was randomly selected by a coin flip.  

Mr. Kearns stated he would like it to reflect in the Board Rules that if members receive a letter from the public it would be entered into the record with the clerk as a public comment in writing, but it should not be read aloud during members' comments.

Vice-Chair Gottemoller stated the reason that is discouraged in the committee meetings is because he does not think the Chair can tell a Board member that they cannot do something during their member comment. 

Mr. Kearns then requested they note that public comment letters will be entered into the record but not expected to be read aloud. 

Mr. Hartman suggested Board members tell their constituents that if they receive their letter that it would be entered into the record but it would not be read.  

Committee members expressed their individual opinions on proclamations.  


16.b.2.3 - Resolution Amending the Construction Budget for the Election Center, 410 Eastwood Drive, Woodstock, Illinois (18)

Ms. Wegener inquired if the cost of the election center has become higher than anticipated. 

Mr. Hartman stated only the cost of the build-out.  He stated the major driver was the addition of the HVAC unit to the back of the building.  The concern was without climate control it could affect everything, so the decision was made during the design that the HVAC unit needed to be added which was the reason for the cost.  

Ms. Wegener inquired if they hired contractors to do the work or if the owner did the work.  Mr. Hartman stated the owner did the work.

Full comments can be heard on the McHenry County website audio starting at 02:05:20

Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

  • He stated County Administrator Peter Austin and Chairman Buehler are en route to Tampa to attend the NACo conference.  
  • The McHenry County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) on July 22 will be hosting a meeting with 12 of the County's major manufacturers to talk about resilience and emergency response in the event of a disaster.   
  • EMA was successful in bringing in the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) for two training sessions.  One was the G-191 incident command system and emergency operations center interface, and 22 individuals attended.  He stated he attended as well and it presented like the Rosetta Stone of Emergency Management as it was a true understanding of how that process worked.  In addition, there was a three-day training session called the G2300 intermediate emergency operations function, and 12 individuals attended.  So he wanted to thank the EMA for the high-level training that they brought to the community.  
  • Risk Management hosted the OSHA 10-hour course for 12 employees.
  • Lastly, 56 spongy moth traps have been deployed throughout McHenry County and he wanted to thank everyone who volunteered to put up traps on their properties.  




  • Mover: Althoff
    Seconder: Greeno

    To Adjourn at 11:07 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (16)Althoff, Gottemoller, Kearns, Meshes, Smith, Von Bergen, Wegener, Campbell, Kunkle, Reinert, Shorten, Greeno, Kamienski, Sager, Ness, and Hendricks
    Absent (2)Skala, and Van Hof
    Approved (16 to 0)
No Item Selected