McHenry County

Valley Hi Operating Committee - Public Meeting


Valley Hi Nursing Home
2406 Hartland Rd., Woodstock, Il 60098
Members Present:
  • Theresa Meshes, 
  • Gloria Van Hof, 
  • Terri Greeno, 
  • Carl Kamienski, 
  • John Reinert, 
  • and Jim Kearns 
Members Absent:
  • Mike Shorten 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 1:31 P.M.

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Thomas Annarella, Valley Hi Administrator; Kerri Wisz, CFO. 

  • Mover: Kamienski
    Seconder: Van Hof

    Approve previous minutes of the July 2, 2024 meeting.

    Aye (4)Kearns, Meshes, Van Hof, and Kamienski
    Absent (3)Reinert, Shorten, and Greeno
    Recommended (4 to 0)

Mr. Reinert arrives at 1:33 P.M.

Ms. Greeno arrives at 1:35 P.M.

Thomas Annarella, Valley Hi Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the report.  


  • The census goal for 2024 is to remain at approximately 80 residents consistently until the opening of the Memory Care Unit, planned for 2025.


  • Valley Hi continues to have success in hiring for open nursing positions · This has been positively impacted by the Recruitment and Retention Plan, which included wage enhancements. At the current time, Valley Hi is close to fully staffed with in-house personnel.
  • Staffing is Valley Hi's single greatest threat and is al') ongoing focus of facility leadership. With the new recruitment and Retention Plan implementation, staffing trending patterns are moving in the right direction. A shift to a focus on organizational health has been made, starting with the new leadership focus for 2024, "Ted Lasso Leadership".


The facility financial report through the first 6 months of the fiscal year is attached. Below is a summary of the preliminary report.

  • FY2024 May Financial Report 
    • Revenue $1,068,570 
    • Expenses $1,201,701
    • Overall operating income ($133,131)
    • Interest income + Additional Income $73,111
    • Net income ($60,020)
    • FY2024 YTD net income ($275,678)


  • The Valley Hi Administrator is working on the financial modeling and projections for the memory care unit. Once those numbers are established, they can be incorporated into the Valley Hi Sustainability Tool/ Financial Model.
    • On 7-30-2024, Valley Hi experienced an intermittent power outage that led to a full power outage due to a ComEd issue at a substation. This resulted in the need to bring in a portable generator to power the facility chiller's and air handling units. The power supply issue was not corrected for several days resulting in the need to use both the in-house and portable generators for an extended period of time. The costs associated with the facility response are not known yet, but unavoidable. Valley Hi is especially thankful to the team in Facilities Management who were quick to respond and provide support.

Valley Hi Memory Care Unit Project:

  • The Valley Hi team and McHenry County have engaged Efraim Carlson and Son for the construction of the new Memory Care unit. All-in costs for the project are expected to be just under $4 mil. The project remains on schedule and budget at the current time.
  • The FFE award went to Warehouse Direct with 2 end-tables coming through a different vendor. The contract has been signed.
  • The next steps in the memory care unit development start phase 2 - programming.  The Unit Director job description has been developed and is being reviewed by HR for scoring. The position will be posted in the next week or two. Once the Unit Director is hired, the process of training and program development will begin, with the Unit Director and a small team.
  • Phase 3 will begin later in the year, closer to unit occupancy. Staff to work the unit will be identified and trained as well as begin the process of preparing the unit for occupancy. Unit occupancy is expected to occur early in the new year 2025.

Valley Hi Strategic Plan:

  • As part of the 2023 leadership development series, the Valley Hi Leadership Team finalized a new, 2023 / 2024 plan. In 2024, as part of the leadership development series, the Strategic Plan was reviewed and updated. Many of the 2023 goals were accomplished with some progress on 2024 goals. The Valley Hi Leadership Team will continue to review and update the Plan throughout the year and provide updates to the Committee.  A new plan will be developed for 2025 / 2026 as part of the 2025 leadership development series and will incorporate the Memory Care Unit operational goals.

Legislative Update:

State - 

  • Nothing new at this Please see the 2024 End of Session Report prepared by the Illinois Health Care Association highlighting this year's session.

Federal - 

  • The federal government has released the final version of the staffing minimum for long-term care. This is a complex piece of legislation that is generating a lot of discussion and concern throughout the healthcare sector, not just long-term care. Some legislation has been proposed to stop and/or change what has been proposed.
  • The American Healthcare Association is closely monitoring the developments coming from the Supreme Court following the Chevron Ruling. The ruling will impact many of the regulatory agencies as well as may impact the proposed staffing mandate and COVID mandates still in more to come.

IDPH Annual Survey:

  • No updates since the last meeting
  • Valley Hi has had multiple surveys since 3-2024. All survey cycles have been closed at this Valley Hi is still waiting to hear the final determinations for the Civil Monetary Penalties and Denial of Payment for New Admissions from CMS.
    • The State is recommending a DoPNA for the period of 4-16-2024 through 5-20-2024.
  • The State has issued $2,200 in Valley Hi waived its right to a hearing to take advantage of the 35% fine reduction and paid a total of $1,750.
  • Valley Hi was recently notified that it received $0 in staffing fines for the first quarter of 2024. This is usually the case as Valley Hi remains a perennial 5-star facility in all staffing categories under the CMS 5-star.

Resident Council Update July 2024:

  • Discussed food temps
  • Discussed noise levels in the halls, and implemented quiet hour
  • Discussed replacement flag out front
  • Discussed Agency Staff
  • Discussed menu item substitutions
  • Discussed comments regarding menu items

Other Items of Note:

  • Valley Hi recently experienced a small COVID outbreak involving both residents and staff. COVID protocols were implemented and Valley Hi provided routine updates to the local health department as well as the staff, residents, and
  • Valley Hi has recently increased from 4-stars overall to 5-stars in the CMS 5-star

Announcements and Celebrations of Success:

  • Valley Hi has been voted "Best of the Fox'' for Senior Living and "One of the Best" for Memory Care for 2024 by the Reader's Choice Awards in McHenry County
  • Valley Hi has extended an offer to a new ADON

After the discussion of the report, Chair Meshes skipped forward to item 8.1, for the Valley Hi Budget Review.  

Thomas Annarella, Valley Hi Administrator, joined the committee for the Memory Care Project Update.  

Mr. Annarella stated in September there will be a formal resolution brought forward.  

Chair Meshes inquired if Mr. Annarella is hiring for the Memory Care Unit, specifically if the position has been posted yet.  Mr. Annarella confirmed it is not, he stated he is behind on that process because he needs to get it scored by HR.  He noted the job description is done, along with all of the back work, but he does need to get one final piece to HR so they can get that finished and they can post the position. He stated they have certainly been receiving applications and having discussions with people about the position.  

Chair Meshes inquired about how many more RNs and CNAs they will hire in order to fully staff the Memory Care Unit.  Mr. Annarella stated they are going to need at least 2 RNs and they will need to add in up to 5 CNAs.  He stated there will be a lot more detail provided next month, but they are looking at about 5-7 new employees including the Unit Director.  

Chair Meshes inquired if there is a certain training required by the State that the employees would need.  Mr. Annarella confirmed that they do.  Chair Meshes then questioned if Valley Hi needed to pay for the training.  Mr. Annarella stated no they do not, if they have had the train-the-trainer training they are set, but if they hire that many that do not have the train-the-trainer training they will be sent to get the course.  

Chair Meshes inquired if the position needs to be approved by the Valley Hi Operating Committee (VHOC) before the position gets posted.  Mr. Austin stated he and Mr. Annarella had that discussion and he would like the committee to sign off on the position.  He noted that the position would need to be approved by the full County Board on the third Tuesday of September but he does not want to wait that long, so as long as the VHOC approves they will get the position posted right after Labor Day.  

Thomas Annarella, Valley Hi Administrator, joined the committee members for a presentation of the FY24-25 Valley Hi Department budget (contained in the meeting packet).  Various department funds were reviewed, along with FY24-25 performance indicators.

It was the consensus of the committee to move the budget for Valley Hi forward to the full County Board for consideration.

After the Valley Hi Budget presentation, Chair Meshes moved back up to item 7.1, for the Memory Care Project Update.


Ms. Greeno leaves the meeting at 2:37 P.M.

  • Chair Meshes stated next month the committee will be approving a resolution for the Memory Care Unit Director.  
  • She stated that they may see the Valley Hi Financial Sustainability Tool/Model.  
  • Mover: Van Hof
    Seconder: Kearns

    To adjourn the meeting at 2:43 P.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (5)Kearns, Meshes, Van Hof, Reinert, and Kamienski
    Absent (2)Shorten, and Greeno
    Recommended (5 to 0)
No Item Selected