Thomas Annarella, Valley Hi Administrator, joined the committee for the Memory Care Project Update.
Mr. Annarella stated in September there will be a formal resolution brought forward.
Chair Meshes inquired if Mr. Annarella is hiring for the Memory Care Unit, specifically if the position has been posted yet. Mr. Annarella confirmed it is not, he stated he is behind on that process because he needs to get it scored by HR. He noted the job description is done, along with all of the back work, but he does need to get one final piece to HR so they can get that finished and they can post the position. He stated they have certainly been receiving applications and having discussions with people about the position.
Chair Meshes inquired about how many more RNs and CNAs they will hire in order to fully staff the Memory Care Unit. Mr. Annarella stated they are going to need at least 2 RNs and they will need to add in up to 5 CNAs. He stated there will be a lot more detail provided next month, but they are looking at about 5-7 new employees including the Unit Director.
Chair Meshes inquired if there is a certain training required by the State that the employees would need. Mr. Annarella confirmed that they do. Chair Meshes then questioned if Valley Hi needed to pay for the training. Mr. Annarella stated no they do not, if they have had the train-the-trainer training they are set, but if they hire that many that do not have the train-the-trainer training they will be sent to get the course.
Chair Meshes inquired if the position needs to be approved by the Valley Hi Operating Committee (VHOC) before the position gets posted. Mr. Austin stated he and Mr. Annarella had that discussion and he would like the committee to sign off on the position. He noted that the position would need to be approved by the full County Board on the third Tuesday of September but he does not want to wait that long, so as long as the VHOC approves they will get the position posted right after Labor Day.