McHenry County

Transportation Committee - Public Meeting


Division of Transportation - Main Conference Room
16111 Nelson Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Jim Kearns, 
  • Tracie Von Bergen, 
  • Carl Kamienski, 
  • Matt Kunkle, 
  • John Reinert, 
  • and Michael Skala 
Members Absent:
  • Brian Sager 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 8:15 a.m. by Jim Kearns.

On a motion from Skala, seconded by Kamienski, the meeting minutes from May 29, 2024 were approved as presented. 

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Kamienski

    Approve previous minutes from May 29, 2024.


Mr. Kunkle expressed concern over the downgrading of the Algonquin River Road bridge to 7 tons and requested this topic is added to next months agenda for further discussion.  

On a motion from Skala, seconded by Kunkle, items 5.1-5.3 of the Routine Consent Agenda were approved as presented. 

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Kunkle

    To approve Routine Consent Agenda

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Kunkle

    To approve the inclusion of the identified group(s) into the McHenry County Division of Transportation (MCDOT) Adopt-A-Highway Program:

    Proactive Behavioral Services - Cary Road from Blackhawk Trail to Main Street

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Kunkle

    To approve an intergovernmental agreement with the Village of Algonquin for a remote salt storage facility study and appropriating funds.

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Kunkle

    Appropriation of funds for right-of-way acquisition for the County owned Hunter Road Bridge over Little Beaver Creek (056-3034) replacement project in Chemung Township.


Construction Manager Jeremy Stull introduced Construction Engineer II Justin Stevens as the Employee of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2024. 

I am proud to recognize our Construction Engineer Justin Stevens as the Employee of the Quarter for Quarter 2 of 2024.

Exactly four years ago, Justin was selected as Employee of the Quarter after just starting with the DOT just a short time before which happened to be during the very challenging pandemic days in 2020. Over the last four years following his first nomination, Justin has continued to shine as a leader within the construction team now with his second employee of the quarter nomination from his peers!

Justin takes his job responsibilities above and beyond, and this past quarter was no exception. During this year’s county paving projects which are currently in full swing, Justin has implemented remedies to road shoulder inadequacies. Along Spring Grove Road, Justin retrieved past records of two long standing drainage issues adversely affecting the road, negotiated with the two involved landowners, and successfully attained “Right of Entry” in the one case, and of additional necessary ROW and a Construction Easement in the other case. Both solutions at no cost to the property owners.

His dedication to the county goes even further, where in early May, he received a call from the Sheriff’s office right after a huge storm hit, regarding a pothole that blew up on Bay Road after just being milled earlier that day. After not being able to get a hold of our contractor, Justin went above and beyond by buying some cold patch at the local Menards out of his own pocket and repairing the road himself so that it could get through the night. Zero issues occurred that evening and the contractor was able to permanently address the roadway the next day.

Justin is now working to get ahead of the curve, already planning for the 2025 season while this year’s season is in full swing.  This increases the efficiency of the planning that happens amongst all departments at the DOT to ensure we tackle all things relating to each road segment we wish to tackle for next year.

He continues to be a big mentor to our newer staff and works with our senior staff on larger scale bridge projects anytime he has the time.

We are lucky to have Justin on our team and it is my honor to announce him as the Employee of the Quarter for the 2nd Quarter of 2024. Please take a moment to Congratulate Justin on this amazing accomplishment!

Assistant Director of Transportation Scott Hennings handed out an informative flyer for the McRide Connect program. The flyer provides step by step instructions on how to sign up for the program and how the program works. The flyer is currently available on the County's website. 

  • Mover: Skala
    Seconder: Von Bergen

    That Committee move into Executive Session for land acquisition at 8:23 am.


Meeting Minutes, Land Acquisition and Pending Litigation


On a motion from Kamienski, seconded by Skala, the meeting was adjourned at 8:32 a.m.

  • Mover: Kamienski
    Seconder: Skala

    To adjourn the meeting at 8:32 am.
