McHenry County

Public Health & Community Services - Public Meeting


County Board Conference Room
Administration Building, 667 Ware Rd., Woodstock, IL 60098
Members Present:
  • Tracie Von Bergen, 
  • Pamela Althoff, 
  • Kelli Wegener, 
  • Gloria Van Hof, 
  • Mike Shorten, 
  • and Louisett Ness 
Members Absent:
  • Eric Hendricks 

Full comments on all agenda items are included in the video recording of this meeting.

Meeting called to order at: 8:31 A.M.

Also present: Peter Austin, County Administrator; Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; Hans Mach, Community Development Administrator; Jeffery Poynter, Director of Workforce Network; Jake Rohn, Director of Workforce Network Board; Chalen Daigle, County Coordinator; Susan Karras, Director of Nursing; Anne Marrin, Health Director of Planning and Operations; Scott Hennings, Assistant Director of Transportation; Neeley Erickson, Government Affairs Director at Illinois Realtors. 

  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Wegener

    To approve the remote attendance of Ms. Althoff.

    Aye (4)Von Bergen, Wegener, Shorten, and Ness
    Abstain (1)Althoff
    Absent (2)Van Hof, and Hendricks
    Recommended (4 to 0)

Ms. Van Hof arrived at 8:32 A.M.

  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Shorten

    Approve previous minutes of the May 30, 2024 meeting.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Von Bergen, Wegener, Shorten, and Ness
    Absent (2)Van Hof, and Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)


  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Ness

    To approve the remaining items of the routine consent agenda.

    Aye (6)Althoff, Von Bergen, Wegener, Van Hof, Shorten, and Ness
    Absent (1)Hendricks
    Recommended (6 to 0)
  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Ness

    Authorizing an emergency appropriation to the Community Development Division in the amount of $30,000 for the Landlord Engagement Program.

  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Ness

    To approve the acceptance of Grant #24-681002 from the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity for funding under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I in the amount of $1,843,534 of which $765,067 is being added by emergency appropriation to the McHenry County Workforce Network FY24 budget and the remaining $1,078,467 will be added to the McHenry County Workforce Network FY25 budget.

  • Mover: Shorten
    Seconder: Ness

    Authorize personnel changes to the Department of Health’s FY2024 roster effective July 1, 2024.


Pulled for discussion by Ms. Wegener.

Hans Mach, Community Development Administrator, joined the committee to discuss the resolution. 

Mr. Mach stated one of the things that they have experienced is even though they have access to funds from places like the Treasury or the Continuum of Care funds that come from the State that they never received in the past, is that landlords are still hesitant at times to accept clients who have vouchers or rental assistance.  He stated the grant entails planning processes to develop a strategy to better work with landlords, in some cases, incentives are offered such as rehabilitation of the units in exchange for continued use of affordable housing for renters.  He stated this is the beginning phase and with this kind of transformation grant it would be a three-year term with planning and implementation happening in the next two years.  

  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Shorten

    Approve 2024 Annual Action Plan for Community Development and Authorize County Board Chairman to contract with the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for 2024 (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Programs (10)

    Aye (6)Althoff, Von Bergen, Wegener, Van Hof, Shorten, and Ness
    Absent (1)Hendricks
    Recommended (6 to 0)

Ms. Wegener pulled the resolution to abstain.  

  • Mover: Ness
    Seconder: Van Hof

    Authorize the selected Community Health Grant awards from the Department of Health’s designated ARPA funds.

    Aye (5)Althoff, Von Bergen, Van Hof, Shorten, and Ness
    Abstain (1)Wegener
    Absent (1)Hendricks
    Recommended (5 to 0)



Scott Hartman, Deputy County Administrator; Neeley Erickson, Government Affairs Director at Illinois Realtors; Alicia Schueller, Director of Public Affairs; Chalen Daigle, County Coordinator; Scott Hennings, Assistant Director of Transportation; Hans Mach, Community Development Administrator; Jeffery Poynter, Director of Workforce Network; and Jake Rohn, Director of Workforce Network Board, joined the committee to discuss the report.  

Mr. Hartman stated they have been waiting for the final report to be presented for over a year.  He stated they are pleased to present the report and are hopeful that they will have great takeaways from it.  He stated it was tough trying to put all of the information together in one report but the team collaborated and decided on how the information would best be presented so the readers could enjoy and digest it.  

Ms. Schueller wanted to note that the report is not just for the County Board but for their constituents so that when they ask questions, they can be provided answers.  


  • Mover: Wegener
    Seconder: Shorten

    To adjourn the meeting at 9:49 A.M. -TCCazares

    Aye (6)Althoff, Von Bergen, Wegener, Van Hof, Shorten, and Ness
    Absent (1)Hendricks
    Recommended (6 to 0)